A NOTE REGARDING THE REPRINTSBarring those from Star Begotten issues 1-9/10, all the reprints on this website have been recovered from the original working computer disks and are in their penultimate printed form, i.e. as prepared for inclusion in the relevant issue itself, but before minor adjustments to fit page spacing requirements, artwork, etc. In the case of reprints from Star Begotten issues 1-9/10, these have been transcribed from the versions as printed in each issue. Minor corrects to spelling and grammar have been made where possible, but there have been no major changes except with episode/archive guide where extra or new factual information has since come to light. Additional "postscript" commentary specially written for the website is labelled as such. The presentation of the text is as close to the form as printed, except where practical limitations at the time of printing precluded the use of an intended effect. The convention in the case of programme names is that main series or serial titles are in bold (e.g. Doomwatch), individual named episodes in italics (e.g. The Plastic Eaters), while feature film titles are in bold italics (e.g. Doomwatch). Where possible, every effort has been made to contact the original writer or artist to obtain permission for additional publication of their material on the website. The stated colour of covers, logos, etc. refers to the first print-run - subsequent reprints may differ.