As he is today(ish) - older, wiser, and slightly thinner.  Co-editor of Star Begotten #1-12 and Weird, and sole editor from #13 onwards. [Omaha Beach - Vierville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 10 September 1999]


A somewhat embarrassing early convention shot of Nick Cooper [right] & Tim Munro [extreme left] selling Star Begotten at Falcon - Bath, July 1988.


Co-editor on Star Begotten #1-12 and Weird, contributed extensively to those and later issues.  A frequent writer for DWB in the late-80s/early-90s, Tim later co-edited the fanzine Brave New World.  [Exo-Space II, Exeter, Oct 1991]



Editorial assistant on Star Begotten #9/10-12, and later co-editor of Brave New World.  [Fan Olympiad I, Bath, January 1991]



Editorial assistant on Star Begotten #9/10-12, and later co-editor of Brave New World.  [Fan Olympiad I, Bath, January 1991]


Star Begotten #13 - The Changing Face of Television

Star Begotten #14 - Comic Reviews
Star Begotten #16 - Comic Reviews

Soft Targets #2 - Free Lunch [Fiction]
Soft Targets #4 - Transitions [Fiction]

Star Begotten #16 - Book Review

Soft Targets #2 - Cor... Worra Smashin' Bird
Soft Targets #4 - Tits Oots for the Lads

Star Begotten #9/10 - Falcon III - Bath, July 1988 [Convention Report]
Star Begotten #12 - HoneyComb - The Wiltshire Hotel, Swindon, 25-26/08/89 [Orgy Review]

Soft Targets #4 - Tell Old Vic I'm Here...

625#19 - Opening the Box of Delights - Kaleidoscope, 08/08/92 [Convention Report]

Star Begotten #1 - Monty Jordan's Cringing Oligarchy [Satire]

Star Begotten #11 - Sex Lies and Videotapes: HoneyComb - The Wiltshire Hotel, Swindon, 25 - 26/08/89 [Convention Report]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip/cc]

Star Begotten #16 - Unbelievable! - BSB, The BBC and Dr Who [Viewpoint]
Star Begotten #17 - Setting the Pace - ManoptiCon '91 [Convention Report]

Star Begotten #18 - Book Reviews

Star Begotten #1 - A Society for the Future - Time for Change?
Star Begotten #1 - Garfield [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #1 - Great Moments in Who History number 1: The An Unearthy Child Conference [Satire]
Star Begotten #1 - Quatermass - Black Star Falling #1 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #1 - The Tribe of Grad #1 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #1 - The Tripe-Odds [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #2 - The Dawn of Armageddon #1 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #2 - The Man Who Wrote of Miracles 1: The World Set Free [review]
Star Begotten #2 - The Tribe of Grad #2 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - Great Moments in Who History number 4: A Small Problem [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - Quatermass - Black Star Falling #2 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #3 - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death [Review]
Star Begotten #3 - The Dawn of Armageddon #2 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #3 - The Man Who Wrote of Miracles 2: The Sleeper Awakes [review]
Star Begotten #3 - The Tribe of Grad #3 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #4 - Doctor or Detectives? - Doctor Who Vs Star Cops
Star Begotten #4 - Quatermass - Black Star Falling #3 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #4 - SB of 1990 [cc]
Star Begotten #4 - Snookered [Satire]
Star Begotten #4 - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #4 - The Dawn of Armageddon #3 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #4 - The Man Who Wrote of Miracles 3: The War in the Air [review]
Star Begotten #4 - The Reply!!! [cc]
Star Begotten #4 - DWAS or JNTAS - Fans of Who? [Viewpoint]
Star Begotten #5 - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #5 - Star Cops - An Overview Part One
Star Begotten #5 - The Dawn of Armageddon #5 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #6 - Even More Subversive Humour [cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Paradwas Towers, Chapter One: Sack Prod for Happiness [satire/cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Quatermass - Black Star Falling #4 [Fiction]
Star Begotten #6 - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Star Cops - An Overview Part Two
Star Begotten #6 - Subversive Humour
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #7/8 - Arcade [Fiction/cc]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Doomwatch - The World in Danger [Introduction]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Here is the News [Satire]
Star Begotten #9/10 - London Space Adventure/DW Exhibition [Report]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Paradwas Towers, Chapter Two: Taken to the Merchancons [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #9/10 - The Fall of Beech [satire(sort of)]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #9/10 - With Bell, Book and Computer - The Stone Tape #1 [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - Ignorance of the Daleks [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #11 - The Rise and Fall of Adam Adamant  Lives! [Introduction]
Star Begotten #11 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #12 - Book Reviews
Star Begotten #12 - Eating Out - Doomwatch: Tommorrow, the Rat [Review/cc]
Star Begotten #12 - Record Review
Star Begotten #12 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #12 - When the Party's Over - Part One
Star Begotten #12 - With Bell, Book and Computer - The Stone Tape #2 [Review]
Star Begotten #13 - Book Reviews
Star Begotten #13 - Exposé
Star Begotten #13 - Quasar [Report]
Star Begotten #13 - Reprint: The BBC Archives [intro]
Star Begotten #13 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #13 - When the Party's Over - Part Two
Star Begotten #13 - With Bell, Book and Computer - The Stone Tape #3 [Review]
Weird #1 - Biffa Bacon [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Big Vern's Convention Caper [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Dope-O-Tron [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Farmer Palmer [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - John the Sexist [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Joint National Trust [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Mrs Baker - Old Hack [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Roger Mellie - The Man on the Telly [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - The Whocible [cc]
Star Begotten #14 - Dance with a Stranger
Star Begotten #14 - Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace #3 [Review]
Star Begotten #14 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #16 - A Solemn Letter [Satire]
Star Begotten #16 - Comic Reviews
Star Begotten #16 - Dance with a Stranger
Star Begotten #16 - Time in Advance - The Wednesday Play : Campaign for One
Star Begotten #16 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #16 - Yes, It's Sky-BSB Merger Rhyming Slang! [Satire]
Star Begotten #17 - Last Dance with a Stranger
Star Begotten #17 - Time in Advance - The Wednesday Play: The Girl Who Loved Robots
Star Begotten #18 - Nineteen Eighty-Four - Part One [Review]
Star Begotten #18 - Time in Advance - Nineteen Eighty-Four
Soft Targets #1 - Full English Breakfast, or Hotel Rooms I Have Known....
Soft Targets #1 - That Fan Olympiad II Review in Full [Comic Strip/cc]
Soft Targets #1 - The Exo-Space Photos
625#19 - Heroes [Fiction]
625#19 - Nineteen Eighty-Four - Part Two [Review]
625#19 - Time in Advance: The Year of the Sex Olympics
Soft Targets #2 - Drug-Crazed Abandon
Soft Targets #2 - Hello Boys [Graphic]
Soft Targets #2 - Holidays in the Outer Circle of Hell
625#20 - Book Reviews
625#20 - Steptoe and Son - Lost and Found
625#20 - Sympathy for the Vampire - Forever Knight [Review]
Soft Targets #3 - Where is He Now?: Paul Griffin
Soft Targets #4 - Convention Top Tips [Satire/cc]
Soft Targets #4 - Journeys by Fanzine
Soft Targets #1 - What Sort of Fan Are You [cc]

Weird #1 - Finbarr Saunder and His Double Entendres [Comic Strip/cc]

Star Begotten #2 - Ooer, Sounds a Bit... Dickish [Satire]

625#19 - The Future of Who? That's You, That Is... [Viewpoint]

625#19 - Round the Quist - Doomwatch: Sex and Violence [Review]
625#20 - All at Sea - Doomwatch, the Movie [Review]
Soft Targets #3 - WaterCon '95 [Satire]
Soft Targets #4 - Magical Mystery Film
Soft Targets #4 - Talking Bollocks

Star Begotten #13 - Doctor Who in the Nineties [Viewpoint]

Star Begotten #5 - Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction [Review]

Soft Targets #3 - The Out There War [Fiction]

Soft Targets #3 - An Extract From an ST-TNG Episode in the Style of.... [Fiction/cc]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: Black Orchid - A Neglected Experiment [Review]

Star Begotten #4 - A Jump Across the Time Lines [Fiction]
Star Begotten #4 - A Terrifying Adventure in Space & Time [Fiction]
Star Begotten #12 - Casualties [Humour]

Star Begotten #13 - Oddities of Galactic Evolution No.4: The Zygon [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Doctor Fuckwitt [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Sabalom Glitz and his Novelty Tits [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #14 - One Previous Owner [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #17 - Images: A Question of Taste [Artwork]
Star Begotten #17 - Silly Umbrella! [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #18 - Images: Miss Begotten [Artwork]
Star Begotten #18 - Most Inefficient... [Comic Strip]
Soft Targets #1 - Ace! [Artwork]
Soft Targets #1 - JNT - Just Not Talented [Comic Strip]
Soft Targets #1 - Red Drashig [Artwork]
625#19 - JNT - Just Not Talented [Comic Strip]
625#19 - Who-Dunnit? [Comic Strip]
Soft Targets #2 - Screwdriver [Artwork]
Soft Targets #3 - Fur Coat [Artwork]
Soft Targets #3 - Gullible [Artwork]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: The Mutants [Review]
Star Begotten #13 - Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World #3 [Review]

Star Begotten #9/10 - The Time Warrior [Review]

Weird #1 - Biffa Bacon [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Big Vern's Convention Caper [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Dope-O-Tron [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Farmer Palmer [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Finbarr Saunder and His Double Entendres [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Spoilt Bastard [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - The Fat Slags [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #16 - Images: Cyber-Death [Artwork]
Star Begotten #18 - Hot Metal - It's Purely Personal [Artwork]
Soft Targets #1 - That Fan Olympiad II Review in Full [Comic Strip/cc]
625#19 - Doctor Who #1: Battlefield [Artwork]
625#19 - Images: The Sontaran Last Stand [Artwork]
Soft Targets #2 - Merry Christmas [Artwork]
Soft Targets #2 - Valentine [Artwork]
Soft Targets #3 - Weird concept artwork

625#19 - Fear at the Scene of Devotion [Fiction]

Star Begotten #17 - Video Reviews

Star Begotten #13 - Video Review

Star Begotten #2 - Doctor Who - The Movie [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #3 - Doctor Who - The Panto [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #3 - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #4 - A Very Strange Matter Indeed [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #4 - Doctor Who - Revenge of the Daleks [Satire]
Star Begotten #4 - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #5 - Carnival of Mon (+Tues+Wed+ Etc.) Stars [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #5 - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Blake's 7 - Another Afterlife [Comic Strip]
Spearhead - Mel and the Weally Thcary Monthter #1 [Comic Strip]
Spearhead - Mel and the Weally Thcary Monthter #2 [Comic Strip]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #9/10 - The Day of the Revenge of the Curse of the Evil of the Tomb of the Cyberlek Warriors [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #11 - Doctorin' the Pops [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #11 - Ignorance of the Daleks [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #13 - The Army Game [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #13 - The Daleks [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Andrew Cartmel and His Unfeasibly Small Brain [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Biffa Baker [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Finale [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Jeremy Logic [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - John the Sexist [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Joint National Trust [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Mrs Baker - Old Hack [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip]
Weird #1 - Powellie - The Controller with a Problem [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Roger Mellie - The Man on the Telly [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #14 - The Mind Robbers [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #16 - Doctor Who - Time Lady [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #17 - Doctor Who - Time Lady: Goddess [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #18 - Doctor Who - Time Lady: Wiped [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #18 - Images: Desire [Artwork]
625#19 - Doctor Who - Time Lady: Perils [Comic Strip]
Soft Targets #2 - Doctor Who - Time Lady: Weddings [Comic Strip]
Soft Targets #3 - Doctor Who - Time Lady: Death [Comic Strip]

Soft Targets #1 - The Stonehenge Connection
Soft Targets #4 - Convention Top Tips [Satire/cc]

Star Begotten #14 - Who in Nea Zealand [Report]
Star Begotten #17 - Who in New Zealand [Report]

Star Begotten #17 - Fear and Loathing in Metropolis - Graphic Horror in the Graphic Novel
625#19 - Strangers in Paradise [review]

Star Begotten #5 - The Way Forward? [Viewpoint]

Star Begotten #14 - The Price [Fiction, from an idea by JOHN VINCENT]
Star Begotten #18 - Book Reviews

Weird #1 - The Fat Slags [Comic Strip/cc]

Soft Targets #1 - Exo-Space II [Convention Report]

Star Begotten #16 - Mocking the Dead [Fiction]
Soft Targets #3 - An Extract From an ST-TNG Episode in the Style of.... [Fiction/cc]

Star Begotten #6 - Fandom 1998 - The Future [Viewpoint]


The doyen of scratch video artists, John supplied many pieces of artwork to later issues of SB, 625 and Soft Targets:
Soft Targets #1 - Jaws - The Whopper [artwork]
Soft Targets #1 - PanoptiCon '92, or No Sex, Please, Planet of the Daleks is on in the Video Room [Convention Report]
625#20 - Blood-Curdling Melodrama - Mystery and Imagination: Dracula [Review]

Star Begotten #1 - Doctor Who: The Aztecs - A Forgotten Classic [Review]
Star Begotten #1 - The Tribe of Grad #1 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #1 - The Tripe-Odds [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #2 - Great Moments in Who History number 2: The 1985 Children in Need Parade of 21 Doctor Who Stars [Satire]
Star Begotten #2 - Great Moments in Who History number 3: Eric Saward's Resignation [Satire]
Star Begotten #2 - Patrick Troughton [Obituary]
Star Begotten #2 - Perpugilliam of the Brown
Star Begotten #2 - The Tribe of Grad #2 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #2 - Shooting the Monkey [Viewpoint]
Star Begotten #2 - Wasted Chances - The Saward Years
Star Begotten #3 - 1989 - A Little Warning [Satire]
Star Begotten #3 - Great Moments in Who History number 4: A Small Problem [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - Never Trust a Man with Dirty Fingernails - Doctor Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang [Review]
Star Begotten #3 - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - The Tribe of Grad #3 [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #3 - A Funny Way to Behave [Viewpoint]
Star Begotten #3 - Who Was That Strange Little Man? [Tribute]
Star Begotten #4 - Blimey, I Didn't Expect the Catharsis of Spurious Morality!" Part One
Star Begotten #4 - Great Moments in Who History number 5: Enter Terry Nation [Satire]
Star Begotten #4 - SB of 1990 [cc]
Star Begotten #4 - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #4 - Doctor Who: The Abominable Snowmen #2 [Review]
Star Begotten #4 - The Hit of '88
Star Begotten #4 - The Reply!!! [cc]
Star Begotten #5 - Blimey, I Didn't Expect the Catharsis of Spurious Morality!" - Part Two
Star Begotten #5 - Knights of God [Review]
Star Begotten #5 - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #5 - Doctor Who: The Web of Fear #1 [Review]
Star Begotten #6 - Blimey, I Didn't Expect the Catharsis of Spurious Morality!" - Part Three
Star Begotten #6 - Even More Subversive Humour [cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Great Moments in Who History number 7: The Mutants Script Conference - Summer 1971 [Satire]
Star Begotten #6 - In the Beginning - Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child - The Pilot Episode [Review]
Star Begotten #6 - Paradwas Towers, Chapter One: Sack Prod for Happiness [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #6 - Prior Mordrin - The Fall From Grace
Star Begotten #6 - Red Dwarf - Another Indictment [Review]
Star Begotten #6 - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #1 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #2 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #3 [Comic Strip/cc]
Spearhead - Spearhead From Space #4 [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #7/8 - Arcade [Fiction/cc]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Doomwatch: The Plastic Eaters [Review]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Fit to Rule? [Viewpoint]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Nostalgia Time [Satire]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Paradwas Towers, Chapter Two: Taken to the Merchancons [Satire/cc]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: The Crusade #3 - 'The Wheel of Fortune' [Review]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks #2 [Review]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #11 - A Bit of... A Nightmare [Satire]
Star Begotten #11 - Adam Adamant Lives!: A Vintage Year for Scoundrels [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - Book Reviews
Star Begotten #11 - Maurice Colbourne [Obituary]
Star Begotten #11 - Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors #1, 4-6 [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror #1-3 & 6 [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - The Secret Log of Captain Jean-Luc Picard [Humour]
Star Begotten #12 - Eating Out - Doomwatch: Tommorrow, the Rat [Review/cc]
Star Begotten #12 - Paradwas Towers, Chapter Two: No Classivids, No Critislag, No Freespeak [Satire]
Star Begotten #12 - Doctor Who: The Faceless Ones #1 & 3 [Review]
Star Begotten #12 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #13 - Red Dwarf Season 2 [Review]
Star Begotten #13 - Video Review
Weird #1 - The Whocible [cc]
Star Begotten #14 - Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation [Review]
Star Begotten #14 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #16 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #17 - Innes Lloyd/Gerry Davis [Obituaries]
Star Begotten #17 - Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood [Review]
Star Begotten #17 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #18 - Doctor Who: The Androids of Tara [Review]
625#19 - Jacqueline Hill [Obituary]
Soft Targets #3 - Love at First Bite - Doctor Who: State of Decay [Review]

Soft Targets #1 - One Carrot Juice Too Many [Fiction]
Soft Targets #1 - Welcome to My Padded Cell
Soft Targets #1 - What Sort of Fan Are You [cc]

Of course, there used to a photo of Amanda here, but some arsehole with fuck all better to do with their life thinks that it's somehow okay to hot-link my images to a high-traffic web-site, thus eating heavily into the bandwidth that I have to pay for, and jeopardising the availability of the entire 625 web-site.

Star Begotten #16 - Demonmaker - Part One: When Twilight Falls [Fiction]
Star Begotten #17 - Demonmaker - Part Two: The Tower [Fiction]
Star Begotten #18 - Demonmaker - Part Three: The Ship [Fiction]
Soft Targets #2 - Demonmaker - Part Four: Demon's Vengeance [Fiction]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: City of Death [Review]
Star Begotten #9/10 - The Trial of a BBC Executive: 1 - Strange Matters/Delta and the Bananamen [Fiction]
Star Begotten #11 - The Trial of a BBC Executive: 2 - The Mysterious Script [Fiction]
Star Begotten #12 - Blimey, I Didn't Expect the Revenge of the Catharsis of Spurious Morality - Part One
Star Begotten #13 - Blimey,I Didn't Expect the Revenge of the Catharsis of Spurious Morality - Part Two
Star Begotten #13 - The Trial of a BBC Executive: 3 - The Terrible Vervoids [Fiction]
Star Begotten #13 - The Trial of a BBC Executive: 4 - The (Really) Ultimate Foe [Fiction]
Star Begotten #14 - Blimey, I Didn't Expect the Revenge of the Catharsis of Spurious Morality - Part Three

Star Begotten #5 - Doctor Who: The Moonbase #2, 4 [Review]
Star Begotten #6 - Doctor Who: The Wheel in Space #3 & 6 [Review]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: The Invasion #2, 3, & 5-8 [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - Doctor Who - The Ultimate Adventure, Jon Pertwee Production [Review]
Star Begotten #14 - Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death [Review]
Star Begotten #16 - Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet [Review]
Star Begotten #18 - Laughter in the Dark - Manopticon '91 [Convention Report]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Blake's 7 - The Tanith Lee Connection
Star Begotten #9/10 - PanoptiCon IX - London, September 1988 [Convention Report]
Star Begotten #16 - Mission to the Unknown - PanoptiCon X [Convention Report]
Star Begotten #18 - The Show Must Go On - PanoptiCon XI [Convention Report]

Star Begotten #9/10 - DWASnost - The Way Forward

Star Begotten #6 - Who in America
Star Begotten #11 - Who in America: Doctor Who - The Feature Format [Report]
Star Begotten #12 - Who in America: Special Report/The Friends of Doctor Who?! [Report]
Star Begotten #13 - Who in America: The Friends of Doctor Who?! Part II [Report]
Star Begotten #16 - Who in America [Report]

Star Begotten #2 - Figment [Fiction]
Star Begotten #6 - Journey Into Terror - Part One [Fiction]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Journey Into Terror - Part Two [Fiction]
Star Begotten #11 - Journey Into Terror - Part Three [Fiction]
Star Begotten #12 - Journey Into Terror - Part Four [Fiction]
Star Begotten #13 - Journey Into Terror - Part Five [Fiction]
Star Begotten #14 - Journey Into Terror - Part Six [Fiction]
Star Begotten #17 - Journey Into Terror - Part Seven [Fiction]
625#19 - Journey Into Terror - Part Eight [Fiction]

Star Begotten #1 - A justifiable Crime
Star Begotten #2 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #3 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #4 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #4 - News
Star Begotten #5 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #6 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #9/10 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #9/10 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #9/10 - Video Reviews
Star Begotten #11 - Let's Speak Powell [Satire]
Star Begotten #11 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #12 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #13 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #13 - The Black and Blue Lamp Part One [Review]
Weird #1 - Jeremy Logic [Comic Strip/cc]
Weird #1 - Spoilt Bastard [Comic Strip/cc]
Star Begotten #14 - Network 23 [Report]
Star Begotten #14 - The Black and Blue Lamp Part Two [Review]
Star Begotten #16 - It's Only An E-180 [News]
Star Begotten #16 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #17 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #17 - Network 23 [News]
Star Begotten #18 - It's Only an E-180
Star Begotten #18 - Network 23 [News]
625#19 - Network 23 [News]
625#20 - Network 23 [News]

Star Begotten #14 - The Eight Doctors (a.k.a. Dr Who & the Zimmermen) - Part One: Arrival [Fiction]
Star Begotten #16 - The Eight Doctors (a.k.a. Dr Who & the Zimmermen) - Part One B: Arrival [The Last Bit] [Fiction]
Star Begotten #16 - The Eight Doctors (a.k.a. Dr Who & the Zimmermen) - Part Two: The Journey [Fiction]

Star Begotten #12 - TellyCon III - Birmingham, 11/11/89 [Convention Report]
Star Begotten #13 - Book Reviews

Star Begotten #9/10 - Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks [Review]
Weird #1 - Andrew Cartmel and His Unfeasibly Small Brain [Comic Strip/cc]

Soft Targets #3 - Shades of Blue [Fiction]

Star Begotten #1 - An Alternative End: The Trial of a Time Lord Part 14, Take 2 [Satire]
Star Begotten #2 - Another Alternative End [Satire]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Frontier Gone Missing: Star Trek - The Next Generation in Context

Star Begotten #5 - Consensus [Viewpoint]

Soft Targets #1 - In the Garden [Fiction]

Star Begotten #17 - Death at One's Elbow: Randall and Hopkirk [Deceased] - A Study in Durability [Review]
Star Begotten #18 - Carnival of Sorts [Fiction]
Star Begotten #18 - Water Walkers
Soft Targets #1 - Ask Birdland
Soft Targets #1 - Keith Topping's Good Grub Guide to Fandom - Ver 1.0
Soft Targets #1 - The Secret Diary of Keith Topping (Aged 28½)
625#19 - Dead Belgians Don't Count...: Drop the Dead Donkey - A Comedy Masterpiece for the '90s
625#19 - Empire Burlesque [Fiction]
Soft Targets #2 - Burning Sky [Fiction]
625#20 - Once Bitten - A State of Decay Review
625#20 - Six Shots in the Plaza: JFK, The Assassination and the Media
625#20 - Steptoe and Son [Review]
Soft Targets #3 - And Cut it... Now
Soft Targets #3 - Keith Topping's Good Grub Guide to Fandom - Ver 1.1
Soft Targets #3 - Prague Summer
Soft Targets #3 - So You Want to be a Virgin?! [Satire]
Soft Targets #4 - The Devils Goblins From Neptune - Zero Minus 23 Days [Fiction]

Star Begotten #5 - Not Without a Gun [Fiction]

Star Begotten #5 - Prelude [Fiction]

Star Begotten #17 - Snippets: Terry Nation on Trial
Star Begotten #18 - Adam Adamant Lives! - The Origins
625#19 - Theatre 625: The Year of the Sex Olympics [Review]

Star Begotten #1 - Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death [Review]

Star Begotten #9/10 - Welcome to My World - Part One [Review]
Star Begotten #11 - Welcome to My World - Part Two [Review]

Star Begotten #17 - Eric Saward and the Art of Narrative Levitation [Viewpoint]

Star Begotten #6 - Caught Short [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #6 - Literally [Comic Strip]
Star Begotten #6 - Splat! [Comic Strip]

Star Begotten #6 - The Right to Survive - Part One [Fiction]
Star Begotten #9/10 - The Right to Survive - Part Two [Fiction]
Star Begotten #11 - Video Reviews

Star Begotten #1 - The Two Editors
Star Begotten #3 - Exclusive Strange Matter Preview [Satire]
Star Begotten #12 - William Russell - Bradford Alhambra Theatre, 28/10/89 [Interview]
Star Begotten #13 - Talking Bollocks
Soft Targets #1 - Chinese Horoscopes
625#19 - Snippets
Soft Targets #4 - A Brief History of My Lousy Mood
Soft Targets #4 - Snippets

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First Virgin Net upload


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29/06/02 Images changed; reformatted


Images changed; new details added


Link repairs

22/10/17 Hosting transfer & amendments
28/09/19 Formatting
29/01/24 Correction